Lean manufacturing practitioner program

Lean is a Business Process Improvement methodology that is focused on identifying waste and eliminating it. Lean Management has become extremely popular in the recent years due to its ability to bring about rapid improvement in your business process. Lean Management comprises of several tools and techniques. Upon successful completion of this training, the participants will learn how to make their work done efficiently, motivate their team to improve their daily work, simplify the processes, solving problems, reduce non-value-add and increase value-add activities in their personal and professional life.

Topic that will be covered

  • Definition of Lean
  • Lean Pioneers
  • Toyota Production System
  • Poka-Yoke (Mistake Proofing)
  • Value add & Non-value add
  • Value steam map
  • 5S
  • 8 Wastes
  • Jidoka
  • Continuous Process Flow
  • TAKT time
  • Pull System
  • Kanban
  • Heijunka
  • Visual Control
  • 5 Whys
  • Kaizen
  • Genchi Genbutsu


  • Become a Lean Proficient
  • Become a Problem Solver for your Business Process
  • Drive Lean Projects within your Organization
  • Add Lean Credential to your Resume
  • Coach Peers, Subordinates and Superior on Lean Tools and Techniques

Who should attend

Anyone can join in this session for self and organizational continuous improvement.

For more details

Phone: +8801716164958

Email: mehdi.hassan@leannovateconsulting.com

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